Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome to the Zoo

Diana Hamilton reads from The Zoo, Soft Snap (+0ther Salutations), and other works. She talks with me about words hanging out together, Wikipedia, anthropomorphism, and Dick Cheney.

For those in New York, Diana will be reading at the Poetry Project this Monday the 19th, at 8pm, along with another ceptuetics guest, sara wintz.

from Soft Snap:

third-person reading be
divorced or giving divorce a Divorce

rates in us are rising
accord to rought round of in

no doubt process everyone
unhapis even worse. If you are
better to bail

a reassessing of how:
become an issue you can spend

come laws

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Chris Funkhouser

talks digital poetry and reads from a forthcoming work, Technopoetry Rising. More of his work recently archived at PennSound.

note: Caroline Bergvall will not be on the show May 21st, but June 4th.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ara Shirinyan

Ara Shirinyan reads from Syria is in the World (Palm Press, 2007) and Your Country Is Great (Afghanistan - Guyana) (Futurepoem, 2008). We talk about the "largest small country," its claims to being "in the world" and the language of tourism, before closing with a discussion on post-conceptual poetics.

Listen here